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  3. Chemistry

Dmitri Mendeleev tipo di personalità MBTI

Dmitri Mendeleev tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Dmitri Mendeleev? Dmitri Mendeleev è un tipo di personalità INTJ in mbti, 5w6 - sp/sx - 513 in enneagram, RCOEI in big 5, ILI in socionics."

The more you work on the periodic table, the more you will appreciate the logical organisation. Since he is an INTJ, I guess his conjunctive functions are Nickel (Ni), Tellurium (Te), Iodine monofluoride (IF-Fi) and Selenium (Se) (this is a joke).


Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev (8 February 1834 - 2 February 1907) was a Russian chemist and inventor. He formulated the Periodic Law, created a farsighted version of the periodic table of elements, and used it to correct the properties of some already discovered elements and also to predict the properties of eight elements yet to be discovered.

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