Nam Se-Hee tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Nam Se-Hee? Nam Se-Hee è un tipo di personalità ISTJ in mbti, 5w6 - sp/sx - 514 in enneagram, RCOAN in big 5, SLI in socionics."

This is guy is literally the definition of Si dom. I have no idea why avyone else thinks he is a Ni dom. He does everything based on routine and what he is familiar with, to the extent where he behaves like a robot and snaps at people who disrupt his routine or state of mind. Ni does not work this way. Ni is not about internal sensation or what is familiar or comfortable. Ni is about analysing and reading into the implications of things, obtaining observable info from Se in order to form a conclusion of their own, which they use to make decisions. Ni dom are usually more flexible than Si doms. His Te aux and Fi child are pretty obvious, so no need for explanation.


A quirky computer designer who has bought an apartment and is in the process of paying off the mortgage. He would rather spend his days with his cat than marrying. However, he is in need of a housemate, as he plans to pay off his mortgage faster.
