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Tomaru Sawagoe tipo di personalità MBTI

Tomaru Sawagoe tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Tomaru Sawagoe? Tomaru Sawagoe è un tipo di personalità ESTP in mbti, 8w7 - sp/sx - 837 in enneagram, SCUEN in big 5, SLE in socionics."

Most realistic SP/SX8 + triple assertive character I’ve ever seen


Tomaru Sawagoe (沢越 止 Sawagoe Tomaru) is a recurring character of the Radish Vacation franchise, as well as a mentioned character throughout the 0verflow franchises. The father or ancestor of a majority of protagonists and other characters, he has effectively become an overarching patriarch throughout 0verflow's games. Tomaru is a cruel, depraved, and malicious individual who does anything and everything to satisfy his own desires, regardless of how his behavior affects others. This is best shown through his relationships and sexual behavior.

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