Gwenny tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Gwenny? Gwenny è un tipo di personalità ESTJ in mbti, 3w4 - - 386 in enneagram, SLOEN in big 5, in socionics."

I definitely don't see her as a high Fe user, and definitely as a high Te user. Yet, I'm not sure between Ni and Si. She never cared about social harmony, with people. I think she's slightly leaning towards Si since she always was comparing facts from the past to the present. Ex: When Alexa (ESFP) was tricking her, she kept going back and comparing the past to see if Alexa was tricking her or not. She was comparing the past experiences with the present and she definitely screams Aux Si. I wouldn't see it as her dominant function. Her Te was greatly shown when she was planning the prom for everyone. She made sure everything using an organizational plan. Yet, she wasn't doing it for the greater social harmony as a Fe user would, she did everything based on her own terms. She is at ease with social conversations, yet she doesn't know the right words to say to someone. She's very overconfident and unhealthy. When she's under stress, she's usually arrogant and reckless like a Te user when they're under stress. This is why I think she's an ESTJ, feel free to argue.! As for, her enneagram I'm also thinking 3, but I'll write another argument for it soon.


Televisione caratteri simili a Gwenny
