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Oliver Kahn tipo di personalità MBTI

Oliver Kahn tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Oliver Kahn? Oliver Kahn è un tipo di personalità ENTJ in mbti, 8w7 - sp/so - 863 in enneagram, in big 5, SLE in socionics."

Ni over Si - he is often described as living in his own world. He has high standards and does not orientate on others. He circulates and deepens over the same ideas over and over again, having high focus and might lose attention to the world around him (Se). His weakest spot is Fi, which you can see in making success (Te) a top priority to which all other things, his private life and the emotional atmosphere around him are secondary. That lead to his demise as a manager of FC Bayern München, he lost contact to the people around him and the atmosphere in the club at that time was described as terrible. Te over Ni - you could see his emotional outbursts very often, a theme you wouldn't see from an INTJ, who remains cool in nearly every situation.


Oliver Kahn (born 15 June 1969) ( Jack Rollin. "Kahn's article on Encyclopædia Britannica Online". Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Retrieved 11 February, 2020; https://www.britannica.com/biography/Oliver-Kahn) is a German former football goalkeeper. He played most of his senior career on Bayern Munich. Kahn is one of the most successful German players in recent history, having won eight Bundesliga titles, six DFB-Pokals, the UEFA Cup in 1996, the UEFA Champions League and the Intercontinental Cup, both achieved in 2001. At the 2002 FIFA World Cup, Kahn became the only goalkeeper in the tournament's history to win the Golden Ball.

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