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Jameson Hawthorne tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Jameson Hawthorne? Jameson Hawthorne è un tipo di personalità ENTP in mbti, 7w8 - sx/sp - 738 in enneagram, SCUEI in big 5, ILE in socionics."

He's an ENTP who's grieving. I think the whole sensation seeker thing is because he's in an unhealthy state. Consequently, Se is his worst function, which explains why he could be indulging into it. What drives him isn't really sensation, but curiosity and possibilities--> riddles (Ne-Ti). Problems. The "sensation" comes from solving these problems OR trying to forget (which is a human thing). He's not the stereotypical ENTP but that doesn't mean he's automatically an ESTP simply because he doesn't match every online description.


Letteratura caratteri simili a Jameson Hawthorne
