1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Videogiochi
  3. Soulcalibur

Taki tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Taki? Taki è un tipo di personalità ISTJ in mbti, 6w5 - - in enneagram, in big 5, LSI in socionics."


A kunoichi of the Fu-Ma ninja clan, Taki was exiled for her theft of the cursed sword Mekki-Maru, which was forged from a shard of Soul Edge - a weapon she seeks to destroy. Crossing the seas in search of the cursed sword, Taki fought and defeated the dread pirate Cervantes and evacuated the wounded Sophitia. Returning to Japan to attend to more personal matters, Taki soon heard troubling news from the lands of the west, that Soul Edge has reemerged in the hands of a new owner, an Azure Knight wreaking havoc across the land. Sophitia managed to destroy one of the swords Cervantes wielded, but what happened to the other one?... Realizing she had missed her chance, Taki began a new journey back to Europe to end the cursed sword once and for all. Taki is the Ninja of the series and it holds true here. She excels when close and is able to close the distance with fast movement and her teleportation ability. She's one of the few characters with projectile based attacks.
