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  3. Historical Figures (1400s)

Henry IV of England tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Henry IV of England? Henry IV of England è un tipo di personalità ESTJ in mbti, 8w9 - sp/sx - 836 in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."

His description seems to have been written by someone who has a lazy understanding of history and even worse one of grammar.


Henry IV (15 April 1367 – 20 March 1413), also known as Henry of Bolingbroke, was the King of England and Lord of Ireland from 1399-1413; In his youth was probably the best jouster in England (an opportunity to prove it against his only serious rival was interrupted by the king), and fought in a crusade. He made a rather sharp contrast with his egotistical (and childless) cousin, Richard II. Considered by many (including himself) to be Richard's obvious and legitimate heir, but never recognised as such by the king himself. Eventually lost patience and seized the throne after the Richard exiled him and took his estate. Thereafter, according to accounts, he angsted about stealing the crown a fair bit, was rather poorly, and it was up to his son to put down a rebellion intended to put a descendant of an elder son of Edward III on the throne. This was a descendant of Edward III's second son, Lionel of Clarence, whose only child married her cousin, the Duke of York, and combined their claims. The crown instead went to Henry IV's son.
