Tom Hughes tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Tom Hughes? Tom Hughes è un tipo di personalità INTJ in mbti, 5w4 - - in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."

Random words of his interviews: "I'm always drawn to what a trapped animal feels like. " "I find the whole class system crazy and outdated" "Builders have to wear a hard hat even if they don’t want to, because something might fall on their heads. In my line of work I also have to protect myself against occupational hazards, and so there are parts of my life that from the get-go I decided I would never talk about. "


Tom Hughes (born 18 April 1985) is an English actor. His roles include Michael Rogers in Agatha Christie's Marple, Jonty Millingden in the ITV drama Trinity, Chaz Jankel in Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll, Bruce Pearson in Cemetery Junction, and Nick Slade in the BBC legal drama Silk. He also played Joe Lambe, the lead role in the 2014 BBC Cold War drama The Game.

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