1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Letteratura
  3. Shatter Me (Series)

Juliette Ferrars tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Juliette Ferrars? Juliette Ferrars è un tipo di personalità INFP in mbti, 4w5 - so/sp - 496 in enneagram, RLUAI in big 5, IEI in socionics."

manifesting a ya protagonist who isnt a fi dom


Juliette Ferrars, also known by her birth name of Ella Sommers, is the main protagonist and a narrator of the Shatter Me Series. She has a lethal touch and was locked up in an Asylum for over 264 days. Juliette starts off the series as a scared, self-loathing girl, being abused, unloved, and made to feel like a monster her entire life.

Letteratura caratteri simili a Juliette Ferrars
