1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Film
  3. Frankenweenie (2012)

Mr. Rzykruski tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Mr. Rzykruski? Mr. Rzykruski è un tipo di personalità INTJ in mbti, 5w4 - so/sp - 514 in enneagram, in big 5, ILI in socionics."

>"Ladies and gentlemen. I think the confusion here is that you are all very ignorant. Is that right word, ignorant? I mean stupid, primitive, unenlightened. You do not understand science, so you are afraid of it. Like a dog is afraid of thunder or baloons. To you science is magic and witchcraft, because you have such small minds. I cannot make your heads bigger, but your children's heads. I can take them and crack them open. This is what I try to do, to get at their brains!" This speech he gave is a very accurate representation of his tritype. The 584 is known for intense and eccentric. Scholarly, this is the 'Professor'. Can be melancholic one moment and then detached the next, which shows right after his speech, in his conversation with Victor: > Victor: "I was doing my experiment, my project, and the first time it worked great. But the next time it didn't. I mean, it sort of worked, but then it didn't. And I don't know why." Mr. Rzykruski: "Then maybe you never really understood it the first time. People think science is here [pointing to head] but it is also here. [pointing to chest] The first time, did you love your experiment?" Victor: "Yes." Mr. Rzykruski: "Ah. And the second time?" Victor: "No. I just wanted it over." Mr. Rzykruski: "Then you changed the variables." More on 584: "First, we brood. We like to sit and think. Usually about philosophy or something heavier. Second is that we are sort of drawn to the darker side of art. Whether it’s darker, depressive music or art that centers around the macabre, we’re into it. (Personally, we collect skulls and other dead things). And last, we sort of like being alone. We love our own thoughts and company. Can be a bit arrogant. We don’t care about the opinions of other people. If you have a worthy thought, we’ll explore it. But the chances of us enjoying it or agreeing are small. So we naturally keep to ourselves. Add the brooding nature and seething intensity, and you have a pretty dark feel going on." His social instinct makes him more concerned about being seein as wise and intelligent, yet he still can't accept criticism and is blunt and harsh to people in return. This also reminded me of ILI's vulnerable Fe: >"ILIs are often seen as especially negative, overly critical, and sometimes harsh in their judgments. This is in part because ILIs -- when serious -- tend to communicate in a direct, straightforward manner. They sometimes are unaware of others' reactions to their ideas and may avoid sugar-coating them. Many ILIs see their criticism as constructive and believe that they would be doing others no good by withholding their ideas. Because of their incessant criticism and negativism, ILIs are sometimes seen as haughty or arrogant."


Portrayed by #MartinLandau
