9S tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è 9S? 9S è un tipo di personalità ENFP in mbti, 7w6 - sx/so - 792 in enneagram, SLUAI in big 5, IEE in socionics."

He is definitely 7w6, not 5w4 "2B why are you so serious?" "Don't you think this task is a hassle?" "Why study this robot? Just wondering" when 2B or 21O tells him that he is too emotional about something, informal or not serious, puts strict circumstances, such as deadlines or importance of completion, he becomes more serious, and also "gets down to business." Isn't it like going from 7 to 1 in stress? Everyone knows that in 7’s, stress is often caused by strictness and formality, which is generated in them by the "inner critic" who says that it's time to do everything "normally" and not to have fun. Note that 9S is competent in many things, but I think that this is due to the fact that his 7 enneatype is from the intellectual center. I doubt that being competent is the main motivation of 9S. We all remember at the beginning of the game the moment when 9S says to 2B that he is insanely glad that he has a partner and that it is much more fun, therefore, we can conclude that these words are due to the fear of boredom or loneliness, or maybe two in one About wings, I think he is 7w6 and I dont know how explain this because its just understandable. 9S is more skeptical and distrustful than many other 7’s. Remember his relation to Pascal.


YoRHa No.9 Type S (Scanner) or 9S is the protagonist of Branches B and D in NieR:Automata, as well as one of the main antagonists and final boss of Branch C. 9S is a scanner type android who served during the 14th Machine War. He has an attack function, but it is an android that specializes in investigative purposes. #NatsukiHanae
