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  3. European, Musicians

Sevdaliza tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Sevdaliza? Sevdaliza è un tipo di personalità INFJ in mbti, 4w3 - sx/so - 479 in enneagram, in big 5, EIE in socionics."

Ni: "When I look at womanhood or motherhood, most of it is about skin. If you take skin as an organ, it reflects so much of a woman’s life, for instance, a body. If a woman gives birth, her body changes completely. It actually wears traces that she’s become a mother on the outside and on the inside. That is again nature, you can’t escape it." "When you’re writing a piece, you get to determine the destiny of what you’re doing." "I recognise my own strength, and I don’t see it as a danger. I don’t know whether or not it will be a financial or a societal success, I just try to be more free and philosophical about the approach of the actual path that I’ve taken. How dark and lonely it can be sometimes, but it also gives you a lot of light because it’s your choice. It hasn’t been chosen for you." "You mentioned the nature or nurture thing earlier. It started with a question that I had, that life is not a decision we make. I literally sat with that question for hours one day. We make ourselves so full of power, but we also kill, and we’re cruel. How is it possible that within our brain we actually think that it is our decision to make."


Sevda Alizadeh (Persian: سِودا علیزاده‎; born 1 September 1987), known professionally as Sevdaliza, is an Iranian-Dutch singer, songwriter and record producer. In 2015, she released two EPs, The Suspended Kid and Children of Silk. While her music is typically in English, she released her first Persian-language song "Bebin" in early 2017 in protest of Executive Order 13769.
