1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Letteratura
  3. Romeo and Juliet

Romeo Montague tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Romeo Montague? Romeo Montague è un tipo di personalità INFP in mbti, 4w3 - sx/so - 479 in enneagram, SLUAI in big 5, EIE in socionics."

There is really only one type Romeo could be, and that’s 4w3 from the Heart triad. A Four’s motivation is to be significant, they find value in uniqueness, and are validated by having depth and being authentic. This can be seen throughout the play as Romeo often over dramatizes his feelings, he goes to the extreme saying things like “Not I, unless the breath of heart sick groans, Mistlike, infold me from the search of eyes.” when Friar Lawrence tells him to hide. He is basically saying that he won’t hide unless the tears from his eyes turn into a mist and cover him. He is being dramatic and showing his full emotion and then some because he is upset over banishment, which is definitely on brand for Fours. Fours love to be in their emotions, they are Melancholic people and feel things very deeply, an example of this being when Romeo falls in love with Juliet. Mercutio and Benvolio tease him for it and he gets upset with them saying they wouldn’t understand true love and throughout the play we see just how deeply and intrinsically he feels his emotions. Fours’ core fear is being without identity or significance, which he overcompensates for by being so dramatic and driven by his identity. Romeo is a prime example of a Four. The Three wing is quite obvious as well. Threes are concerned with being the best, that is how they find value, they are over achievers because they find worth in being valuable. Their fear is being worthless or not being good enough. We can see Romeo’s Three wing with how he often goes to extremes. He has the need to be the person with the most identity, be the most in touch with his feelings. He finds superiority in how dramatic and extreme he is, willing to do anything for the love he feels. Even with him killing himself in the end it shows his Three wing coming out a bit. Threes can be very all or nothing, giving it their all because they need to be the best. When Romeo feels something, or when he acts in a way that will show his identity, then he makes sure to go all the way. This is shown with how he compares banishment to death, and even how he kills himself in the end because he loves Juliet so much, he’s driven by being the person most in touch with their emotions, he finds value in uniqueness and depth, and must be the most deep person in the room, going so far as death to follow how he feels. Lol wrote this as part of an English essay, I think this paragraph alone goes over the word count


Letteratura caratteri simili a Romeo Montague
