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  3. Jesus Christ Superstar

Mary Magdelene tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Mary Magdelene? Mary Magdelene è un tipo di personalità ENFJ in mbti, 2w1 - - 296 in enneagram, SLUAI in big 5, SEI in socionics."

everything’s alright is a Fe overdose of a song. She also expresses said Fe through Se (“just chillax man, it’s all good, have some ointment” yknow what I’m saying?) I read IDKHTLH as Mary’s attempt to come to grips with the idea of spiritual, nonsexual love for a person—as an asexual person, it reminded me of my struggles to define and explain my feelings of romance as divorced from sex (and to come to terms with the possibility that, due to the very definition of romance, it might not be possible to do so). Rather than her being “stuck in her ways” with Si, I think she just struggles to understand the part of her that isn’t grounded in the rigid physical world; she’s a Ni-aux, meaning the Ni is sort of there doing stuff in the background for her rather being used consciously (and Ni is already the most “unconscious” function). I see a lot of Fe and Se. Also I love her character


Teatro caratteri simili a Mary Magdelene
