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Mudclaw tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Mudclaw? Mudclaw è un tipo di personalità ESTJ in mbti, 6w7 - sp/so - 683 in enneagram, SCOEN in big 5, LIE in socionics."

After reading the preview to Winds of Change I would definitely say Te dom. he is always thinking about the most logical and efficient way to organize his Clan, how to get the most territory, strategizing about who would make the best deputy even when he is just going about hunting, rather than being totally immersed in the activity like an Se dom. You can see the contrast between him and Fe dom Onewhisker where Onewhisker wants to focus on properly respecting Tallstar's leadership and is mad at Mudclaw for tactlessly saying Tallstar won't be leader much longer, while from Mudclaw's perspective, Onewhisker just has to face the facts and, even though he cares a lot for Tallstar himself, they don't have time for social niceties and have to focus on securing their territory and a bargaining position with the other Clans. And he should be 6 and not 7. He is constantly anxious about all the potential dangers to his Clan and thinking about how he needs to give them security, and feels that to preserve that security he must show an aggressive stance to the other Clans (counterphobic) and show they can stand up for themselves.

