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  3. Spider-Man (Franchise)

Otto “Doc Ock” Octavius tipo di personalità MBTI

Otto “Doc Ock” Octavius tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Otto “Doc Ock” Octavius? Otto “Doc Ock” Octavius è un tipo di personalità INTJ in mbti, 5w6 - sp/so - 514 in enneagram, RLOAI in big 5, ILI in socionics."

For a INTJ, he sure has a lot of Fi, very principled and ethical, concerned about the limitations of science and things that Osborn does not care as much for. Very welcoming to Peter, but firm and objective in evaluating both Peter in the basis of his tardiness and himself on basis of his own performance, impersonally, displeased with both for those reasons stated. And he had the eureka moment to go from prosthetics to something more from the mind, an internally guided Ntuition leap, after the hurtful rejection of funds from Osborn. Personally, I find he has more Te than Ni before Osborn rejected his idea, but more Fi from his relations to the few people he interacts with and Se for his low involvement with the world for the longest time in the story, all in relation to his work, or Spiderman's upgrades. "Sometimes it takes a tragedy to help people see the monster they chose. Some good can come from a terrorist attack as Osborn's ratings are plummeting. He was my partner once but he went into unethical experiments I didn't approve of. He rejected my funding but beggars can't be choosers so I'll work with a company with shady rep for funding and take lucrative contracts with supermax prison that are a satisfyingly difficult job to crack at. Our work will focus on not restoring man, but making something better than man, an improvement upon man. I cannot fail. Who am I to deny my genius to a paramilitary company? Ha. Just kidding. Heheh." - paraphrased Doc Octavius


Otto Octavius, also known by his media nickname Doctor Octopus, is one of the two main antagonists (alongside Mister Negative) of the 2018 video game Marvel's Spider-Man and a flashback character in its 2020 spin-off Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales. A highly intelligent scientist, Otto co-founded the mega-corporation Oscorp with his close friend Norman Osborn. He left the company after Norman committed several safety and ethical violations, later founding his own organization Octavius Industries. Otto is a friend and mentor of Peter Parker and secretly aware of his activities as Spider-Man. Otto is initially an optimistic, forgiving man focused on making the world a better place. While his work doesn't progress as well or as quickly as he had hoped, he stays his course and seems to take everything in stride. Otto displays a gentle personality overall, not scolding Peter for his tardiness any more than he feels he has to.

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