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  3. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Postman (Twilight Princess) tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Postman (Twilight Princess)? Postman (Twilight Princess) è un tipo di personalità ESFJ in mbti, - - in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."

He had no social cues and I loved him for it XD


The Postman is a recurring character in The Legend of Zelda series. He is responsible for Mail Delivery and usually works out of a Post Office. In Twilight Princess, the Postman delivers letters to Link directly, provided he is in Hyrule Field, without the aid of Postboxes. He is much more comically depicted in this game than in earlier games. He breathes very oddly when running and hums several bars of a victory song after he finishes delivering a letter. However, like all Postmen, he still takes his job very seriously. The Postman is able to recognize Link while he is in wolf form. When not delivering mail, the Postman can be seen in various places around Hyrule. He can be found in Ordon Ranch feeding an illegible letter to the Goats, and in Zora's Domain behind the throne trying to identify who "Mr. Zora" is. He is also seen in Telma's Bar deciding what to order, and in the Elde Inn drying off a letter he dropped in the Hot Spring.

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