1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Televisione
  3. H2O: Just Add Water (2006)

Will Benjamin tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Will Benjamin? Will Benjamin è un tipo di personalità ISFP in mbti, 9w8 - sp/sx - 945 in enneagram, in big 5, SEI in socionics."

I see no Fe in him. I always thought he was extremely self-centered to the point of selfish. To me it always feels as if his only consideration was what he wanted. He pressures Bella enormously and persistently to tell him her secret before they were even friends (!),he finally threw a glass of water on her when she refused for the 100th time and when she ran away clearly upset and betrayed he just followed her (not out of concern for her wellbeing but because he wanted to see what was about to happen, even afterwards he never apologized). And, after going through all this trouble to force her to reveal her secret against her will and to her discomfort, when Bella begged him to keep it a secret he couldn't even promise to keep this a secret. Or the worst example: When Rikki is kidnapped and her life is in danger and Bella and Cleo cone to him for help, he refuses to help until Cleo too tells him her and Rikki's secret (even though he hardly knew both of these girls, and had no right whatsoever to make such a demand- someone's life was in danger and his first thought was ''what is in for me''), he only wants to spend time with Bella in the water while she is a mermaid and doesn't care about getting to know her outside of that at all (it's in the valentines day episode if you want to fact-check for yourself, as a short exert: Bella: „Wanna get a juice?“ Will: „Why?“ Bella: „Well, we could get to know each other better.“ Will: „I know you‘re a mermaid, what else is there?“ Bella: „Yeah but that‘s not all I am.“ Will: It’s the most interesting part, you‘ve got to admit that.“) Then another time, when Bella doesn't want to go in a public swimming pool since anyone could see her he just splashes her so she has no other choice and, in the end, she almost gets discovered. Another time he just jumps into an exhibit in the marine park and swims there on a whim and when Cleo discovers him he shows no remorse at all, waves and smiles at her and refuses to get out until Cleo threatens to call security. And these were only a few examples.


Will is an attractive young male free-diver who falls in love with Bella. His first trip to Mako Island during the Full Moon leads him to get attacked by a water tentacle, and frightens Will into discovering the secrets behind the Moon Pool. He also knows that the girls are mermaids and helps them throughout their last year of school. Will appears in Season 3 only.

Televisione caratteri simili a Will Benjamin
