ZUN tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è ZUN? ZUN è un tipo di personalità INTP in mbti, 9w8 - sp/sx - 954 in enneagram, RCUEI in big 5, SLI in socionics."

He is an INTP I guess, actually I can't explain why. But, I'm seeing a lot of patterns and similarities across many INTP developers. This might be a stupid and somewhat unrelated comment, but bear with me. What I noticed from INTP developers is that they are highly influential to the gaming/internet culture as a whole (Could be because their Ti-Ne?), most of them tend to have lax rule on copyright (Probably Ne-Fe?), they love giving the fans creative freedom (Fe-Ne?), they have lots of dedicated fans (Si-Fe?), and the products/franchises they created tend to be community-oriented (Ti-Fe?). I mean, look at John Carmack, Gabe Newell, Toby Fox, and even ZUN himself if you don't believe me, they're all INTPs and they have all the similarities I've mentioned. So, I'm not sure about the explanation for his type, but I definitely see many patterns and similarities across prominent INTP developers.


Degno di nota celebrità simile a ZUN
