1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Religione
  3. Greco-Roman

Aura tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Aura? Aura è un tipo di personalità ISTP in mbti, 8w7 - sp/so - 837 in enneagram, RLOEI in big 5, in socionics."


A breeze nymph from Asia Minor, Aura was one of Artemis' attendants and had thus sworn to remain a virgin. One day, she questioned Artemis' status as a virgin on account of her sensual body. Artemis went to Nemesis, who figured out that the appropriate punishment would be to get Aura raped. Nemesis then contacted Eros, who shot Dionysus with a love arrow. Dionysus then got Aura drunk and raped her. Aura then woke up violated and pregnant, leading to her sanity slippage.

Religione celebrità simile a Aura
