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  3. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Sonic (Playstyle) tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Sonic (Playstyle)? Sonic (Playstyle) è un tipo di personalità ESTP in mbti, 8w7 - so/sx - 873 in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."

(In my Opinion these Profiles are a tad Silly, but that's just my Opinion- Anyways) I personally Play an Aggressive Sonic, but this Comment goes out to People who Hate the Evasive Sonic Playstyle (still voting, based on the Way I do, though) Dominant Thinking Introverted: The player is either presumably a coward, or they made the connection that it's the easiest tactic to win by and understand the technical sense in application Auxiliary Intuition Extroverted: Honestly, this is the only Part I don't have an Argument for so Far Tertiary Sensing Introverted: More so the Sensing Extroverted Blind, in the lack of Confrontation and Assessment of the Present, only doing the bare-Minimum (Dodging) Inferior Feeling Extroverted: A Disregard for how it may Spoil the Match for other Participants (At least most of the Time, to my Knowledge) PS: It's been Hours so I'ma just cut it there Since I Lost Interest and my Attention Span is Cripplingly Minimal


Videogiochi caratteri simili a Sonic (Playstyle)
