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  3. Tokyo Debunker (2024)

Lucas Errant tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Lucas Errant? Lucas Errant è un tipo di personalità ISFP in mbti, 1w2 - - 461 in enneagram, in big 5, ESI in socionics."

He is THE Sp4 ESI/ISFP character. Extremely strong Fi, definitely Fi lead. A lot of the jokes with his character is that he “seems to struggle being considerate of others”, or “reading the room”, (poor Fe) but he’s got very strong morals, ethics, principals that he strives to follow (Fi) Kaito also says you’re the “hard on yourself, hard on others type, aren’t you?” It looks like type 1, but this actually is the Sp4, which is an IxFP typing: SP4 Self-demand and Perfectionism Closely related to tenacity lives self-demandingness, a self-revolutionary orality that pours on itself the tacit demand, originally directed elsewhere. It feeds on tenacity, since it demands more and more, raising the bar and what is at stake requires. “Nothing is enough for me. A task that I tackle and that I finish always leaves me with a point of dissatisfaction, like I have to be aware and say: ‘okay, that's fine, that's enough.’” Great sensitivity and observation capacity that allows them to capture and understand the characteristics of those who are in front of them. Good listeners, they easily empathize with the suffering of others and are able to contain and accompany, either because they see parts of themselves in the other or because, knowing internal states of deep suffering, they have developed self-support resources. Lucas very much does this. He is really quite empathetic, you can tell he really cares about helping people. Difficulty accepting limits Another aspect related to the above is the difficulty accepting internal and external limits. Greed, which knows no impediments, does not even take into account the limited individual resources, and demands more and more effort and work. Ignorance of one's own limits, especially in terms of real possibilities, is accompanied by an idea of omnipotence. The deep capacity to endure, to tolerate, sustains the equally profound inability to ask for help, an action that, in order to be practiced, requires above all the awareness of not being able to do it alone, but also the humility to feel the need. Refinement Good taste, love for the beautiful and for everything refined, a characteristic shared with the other subtypes and revealing a deep sensitivity. Worth With a brave character, he does not shy away from challenges, he knows how to endure with patience and willpower even the toughest tests, whether they affect him or those close to him. If the stake is high, there is no room for reflection on whether or not to undertake difficult paths. He’s always bravely chasing whatever task it is ahead of the group. Whenever something happens, he’s the one who gets the MC & Kaito going


A transfer student from Darkwick's sister school in the UK, Lucas is friendly, honest, and chivalrous, but tends to lose perspective when anomalies are involved, and is unusually fixated on demons. He is searching for his twin brother.

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