Alea tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Alea? Alea è un tipo di personalità INTJ in mbti, 1w9 - sp/so - in enneagram, in big 5, IEE in socionics."

All I can say is... She has no Fe, and that's why I conclude she's blind to it but not also someone who dismiss it. Values personal space so much and is easily drained by crowd yet still be able to hold her temper in, Te + Se inferior + Si Demon working. Very smart and a consistent honour student, which is a huge indicator of Ni + Te + Fi, not to mention she accurately pinpointed that Helmut is like a person who lived in a jungle. Her tertiary Fi makes it so that she doesn't do evil things towards Helmut despite him being so easy to be manipulated, in fact it feels like she's always covering for his blind spot. Also, she's teaching Helmut little by little how it's like to live like a human in a moral and emotional manner. Very strong 6w5, she's so guarded about everything. Just less guarded from Helmut and Sean, maybe because those two are kind of idiotic on their own ways. I just hope that her hidden vendetta or objective is not something like purging evil at all costs like Vayne from LoL. Otherwise, it will be kind of painful to see her and Helmut becoming enemies regardless of their past. Tertiary Fi users can become really rigid like that, I really wish she becomes wise like the 9th circle archmage Antiol.


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