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Billie Eilish - HIT ME HARD AND SOFT tipo di personalità MBTI

Billie Eilish - HIT ME HARD AND SOFT tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Billie Eilish - HIT ME HARD AND SOFT? Billie Eilish - HIT ME HARD AND SOFT è un tipo di personalità INFJ in mbti, 4w5 - sp/so - 649 in enneagram, in big 5, EII in socionics."

The whole album is a masterpiece, I see many people saying “why is every song typed INFJ” but i’d say 7/10 songs are INFJ, songs like The Diner (ENTP) Blue (INFP OR INFJ) and BIRDS OF A FEATHER (ENFJ or INFJ) are the only ones that might not be INFJ. The whole album is full of INFJ songs so it makes sense to type the album INFJ.


Billie Eilish's new album 'HIT ME HARD AND SOFT' released on May 17.
