Mai Tsurugi tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Mai Tsurugi? Mai Tsurugi è un tipo di personalità ESFJ in mbti, 7w6 - sx/so - 278 in enneagram, in big 5, ESE in socionics."

Update: changed my vote to sx2, but the case I made for 8 fix still applies So this has been on my mind for a while, but I don't think Mai is triple positivity like Joe. She's very obviously a 7 with a vibrant 2 fix, but 9 is probably the gut type the fits her the least. What makes 9 part of the positivity group is their psychological indolence. The refusal to acknowledge uncomfortable truths and the inclination to dismiss or avoid conflict. Mai doesn't do this. She's the first out of the dummies to draw blood which gives an understanding that Mai isn't conflict avoidant and adopts a "get it done" attitude which sounds very assertive triad and 8-like (And the somewhat stereotypical 'dutifulness' associated with Si too). Applying Katherine Fauvre's theory on how Every enneagram tritype combination has their own shared trait, I think the triple Manipulative tritype (7,2,8) fits her perfectly along with double positivity and people focused (7,2) + double Rejection and protectiveness (2,8) + double creative and assertive (7,8). "If you are a 728*, you are caring, innovative, and protective. You want to be helpful, loving, and straightforward. You are assertive, funny, and outgoing. You like to use your charming and sunny disposition to create an upbeat, positive, and action-packed environment. You are also very nurturing to those in your circle of care. You also like to be free follow your own muse and not be obligated to anyone." *Or any combination of those three digits.

