Fenrir tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Fenrir? Fenrir è un tipo di personalità in mbti, - - in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."


The twelfth prince of Phantom Wolf Kingdom. As a child he fought Leonhart in a count duel and lost, as a result he lost his status as prince and his home by having his ear chopped off by his family, his grudge of Leonhart for this makes Fenrir his goal of one day destroy Leonhart and take the throne of become the new king of all beasts. He planned to use Sariphi as a sacrifice, but after seeing Sariphi not being afraid of him and Leonhart really like her, he decides to win her heart and make Sariphi as his queen. Fenrir and Leonhart have duel in which they use the primal method and Fenrir is fatally defeated. When Leonhart is about to finish him off Fenrir is suddenly stabbed and killed by Nir due to Fenrir order him to kill him if he lost the duel. Nir leaves with Fenrir's body while telling Leonhart that defeating him and becoming the king of beasts was Fenrir's dream but also his curse.

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