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  3. Person of Interest

Nathan Ingram tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Nathan Ingram? Nathan Ingram è un tipo di personalità ENFJ in mbti, 1w2 - sx/so - 126 in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."

When Nathan creates a contingency for The Machine he deliberately ignores his Ni. He couldn't be ok with the fact the work he did with Finch for all those years was going to ignore "irrelevant" lifes, he always was drawn by its Fe. He's a brilliant engineer but he didn't think (or care) about the consequences of creating the backdoor. His Fe was guiding him, but his Ni warned him of the consequences. He ignored it and decided to act (Se). So even though he knew technology would always progress and make his engineering skills obsolete, he created the contingency in the Machine anyway. Sounds like Fe-Se. (Loops are toxic because they, in fact, loop and create problems in a person. But every type ignores its secondary function in several situations of their life, commonly in stressing situations where their secondary function isn't helping. Not necessarily looping the dominant and tertiary functions though.)


Nathan C. Ingram is the co-creator of the Machine, and the founder of IFT.

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