1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Cartoni animati
  3. Scott Pilgrim Takes Off

Scott Pilgrim tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Scott Pilgrim ? Scott Pilgrim è un tipo di personalità ENFP in mbti, 7w6 - sx/sp - 794 in enneagram, SCUAI in big 5, IEE in socionics."

Personality and traits Scott is a cheerful and laid-back individual who is pretty open and friendly to most people. He is quite content with his current situation in life and while he does not show much motivation to better himself unless need be, he also is seemingly unburdened by the same sort of neuroses or issues that his friends have. Furthermore, he does possess an odd form of charisma; despite the complaints and issues of his friends with his faults, they do generally enjoy spending time with him and being his friend, even the stoic Stephen and dour Kim, showing that he serves as something of a bright spot in their lives. However, beneath his cheerful exterior, he has his problems. His dreams show him feeling alone and craving emotional intimacy, but also seems afraid of being able to approach people for it. Beyond this though, he is lackadaisical and even a bit naïve on certain matters. He has a bad tendency to stick his foot in his mouth and not consider the consequences of his words or choices. Ultimately, it's a childlike sensibility, which reflects his good nature, but also naivety and the need to further grow up. This includes being more assertive to confront certain issues he would not want to. When it comes to romantic relationships, Scott is ultimately a well-intentioned, supportive and caring partner, but not without his problems. He enjoys spending time with his girlfriend and is usually filled with smiles and jokes. He legitimately cares about each one of his girlfriends and views them as all equal to one another. Best noted in his second dream where he is in a band alongside Envy, Kim and most notably Knives, which show that despite the jabs of him dating her as a rebound, he saw her and their relationship just as valid and real as his with Scott and Envy. From first glance, he doesn't appear to do anything wrong in his relationships and seems to be supported by seeing the interactions with others. It's likely why he considered himself a "paragon of virtue." However, he is still human and thus prone to self-centered or selfish behavior. This has been the main reason for the failure in his romantic relationships. However, this behavior manifests in such a certain and discreet manner that it would not be noticed at first glance. All of Scott's romantic relationships (at least those shown in the novels) have failed as they did because Scott wasn't the one to instigate the break-up. Scott shows great reluctance and discomfort at being confronted with the thought of having to break-up with a girl (this is not explained why though given his proclamation on not fighting girls, it may be a possible extension of how he was raised as such or just plain fear of confrontation.) As such, he will avoid the issue or try to sidestep it until the external factors that have been pushing him to do so instead cause the relationship to collapse. With him and Kim, it was because he got Lisa to say so rather than he tell her himself. With Knives, it was because he did not break up with her soon after his "hook-up" with Ramona (though that in it of itself is a complicated situation.) This is a reflection of his naivety and selfishness of not wanting to confront unpleasant aspects of relationships and do what is to be needed. His fallout with Envy is a variation of this as we eventually learn that the breakup was instigated from a big fight he had with Envy after he got drunk (presumably based on all the frustrations and problems that were formed from her changes in behavior and decisions on the band over the choices of the others). However, given how Wallace would recommend to Scott he dump her upon first meeting her, the implications are it went as bad as it did because he did not end his relationship with Envy sooner (instead it built up until he ends up drunk and the fight happens.)

