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Roger Ailes tipo di personalità MBTI

Roger Ailes tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Roger Ailes? Roger Ailes è un tipo di personalità ESTJ in mbti, 8w7 - sx/so - in enneagram, in big 5, LSE in socionics."


Roger Eugene Ailes (May 15, 1940 – May 18, 2017) was an American television executive and media consultant. He was the chairman and CEO of Fox News, Fox Television Stations and 20th Television. Ailes was a media consultant for Republican presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush, and for Rudy Giuliani's first mayoral campaign. In July 2016, he resigned from Fox News after being accused of sexual harassment by several female Fox employees, including on-air personalities Gretchen Carlson and Megyn Kelly. Shortly afterward, he became an adviser to Donald Trump's presidential campaign, in which he assisted with debate preparation.

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