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The Neighbourhood tipo di personalità MBTI

The Neighbourhood tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è The Neighbourhood? The Neighbourhood è un tipo di personalità ISFP in mbti, 4w5 - sp/sx - 469 in enneagram, RLUAI in big 5, SEI in socionics."

I'm the one that made the vote 69 ISFPs are arguably the most artistic of all the types and the type most likely to be mistaken for intuitive. If you want to see just how right-brained ISFPs can be, then look for some videos of Jimi Hendrix talking when he was high. You’ll see what I mean. ISFPs musicians often write most or all of their own music and they’re probably the type most likely to have the complete package as a technical musician, songwriter and star performer. While many of them are shy off-stage, they can be natural performers who come alive on stage. A great example of this is Michael Jackson. ISFPs are also the type most likely to make music that’s overtly sensual like some of what you’ll hear from Prince and Marvin Gaye. http://intuitivemusician.com/ISFP/ Sensing and intuition, in the most basic terms, have to do with how you take in information. As their names imply, sensors take in information through their senses, and intuitives take in information through their intuition. Buuuut, those are just words. Sensors use their five senses to take in information about the world around them. They start with the details and work towards the big picture. They are interested in what things are, and they use the information they gather to build on knowledge they already have. They try to make new information fit into their existing framework of understanding, like a new piece fitting into a partially-finished puzzle. They value what has worked in the past and they can sometimes be resistant to change. https://showit.co/business/know-who-you-are-sensing-and-intuition/ INTUITION vs SENSING, Explained with BEATLES https://youtu.be/dFcVRGfuACg THINKING vs FEELING, Explained with BEATLES https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dVUtZotYBeU amazing band :)


The Neighbourhood is an American (yes, American) Alternative Rock group formed in August 2011. They're known for their moody, often dark songs, and their black, white, and gray aesthetics in their music videos and albums.
