Single tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Single? Single è un tipo di personalità INTP in mbti, 5w4 - sp/sx - 459 in enneagram, RLUEI in big 5, ILI in socionics."

Have always been that way since the first day i started interacting with other people, and still am. I also highly doubt that there will be any valid reason to no longer be single, at least until i reach a certain squared amount of years. What is even the point of being in a relationship so soon, if a person clearly knows that it isn't exactly going to hold up for too long, and that there wouldn't be any actual benefits of maintaining it, if one takes into consideration the long term. It is their own fault if a person goes into one at a young age and then becomes heartbroken right after it ends. I don't think that they should even be considered "relationships" until both of the people are ready and willing to be in it. Because if it ends so abruptly, then it wasn't at all reasonable. Both sides have to be satisfied, and benefit from each other. If it is a forced or not-so-well-thought-out one, then it is most definitely going to crumble apart without any difficulty. I might have considered getting into one a few times, but given how most of the other ones i've observed and was surrounded by were only there for sheets and giggles, i decided not to step into any relationship, at least not so soon. It isn't exactly easy to show affection towards the person(s) of your interest, either, when you have no clue about how will you progress with them and you doubt they appreciate you as you are.


In legal definitions for interpersonal status, a single person is someone who is unmarried, not in a serious, committed relationship or not part of a civil union.
