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Adam Gilchrist tipo di personalità MBTI

Adam Gilchrist tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Adam Gilchrist? Adam Gilchrist è un tipo di personalità ENFJ in mbti, 2w1 - so/sp - 126 in enneagram, SCOAI in big 5, EIE in socionics."

Anyone who thinks that Adam Gilchrist is an ESFP is IMO judging him solely by his aggressive playing style. He is clearly different to somebody like Shane Warne (a textbook ESFP). Having read two of his books, he is clearly an ENFJ 2w1 so/sp/sx with 6w7 in his tritype. Fe: A constant pattern in his life is a desire to be a part of something bigger than himself, in his case cricket teams, and to encourage that desire in kids. Excels as a social smoother and ambassador (also social 2). Can act based on his personal values if necessary (ignoring Fi; walking), but usually appeals to universal rather than personal values. Ni: His autobiography is drenched with metaphors, symbols, abstractions and perspective shifting. He discusses issues from his POV, then his wife's, then through the public. Even the title (True Colours) was symbolic! He also read theoretical works (like Karl Marx) while touring. Ni-inf types are averse to theory. Possesses a desire to improve the world through his charitable works and by encouraging debate about Australia Day (also NF/social 1). Se: Compartmentalises public and private life, in that his public persona (the entertainer) differs from his true self. Emotionally reactive - prone to spontaneously crying or lashing out whenever something went wrong, including RE relationships. Ti: Avoids coaching because he dislikes dry, technical information. Tends to invent reasoning for his decisions that appears rational to him but irrational to others (his initial decision to retire after Perth 2006). Isolates himself and ruminates when stressed. Indulges an "us versus them" mentality when threatened. PoLR-Si: Not good at following rules and procedures - was the most charged player in international cricket at one point. He is sp>sx because he not only nurtures the sick/young/helpless, but also displays sp 1 by compensating for his anxiety over his career through hard work.


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