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Azazel tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Azazel? Azazel è un tipo di personalità ENTP in mbti, 7w8 - so/sp - 793 in enneagram, SCOAI in big 5, ILE in socionics."

Absolutely no idea what has been made of him after Born, but he was a pretty definite ENTP up to the end of it. I do get the ENFJ votes (though there aren't many voters anyway), as he is quite mature and shows a strong Fe, but screw it, Ne over Ni and Ne totally dominant at the very least because before joining all the action with the Khaos Brigade he was just an old weirdo who ditched his position as arch- fallen angel and left the duties to Kokabiel to go collect artifacts and stuff. The ENTP vibe is also quite strong in the beginning of Born, when he and his dragon friend organize a training prank-attack on the train with the main characters. Definitely one of the characters of my type that I look up to - an unconventional thinker with unusual interests and weird hobbies and a reliable allly/sensei-figure.


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