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Austin McBroom (ACE Family) tipo di personalità MBTI

Austin McBroom (ACE Family) tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Austin McBroom (ACE Family)? Austin McBroom (ACE Family) è un tipo di personalità ESTP in mbti, 3w2 - so/sp - 378 in enneagram, SLUEN in big 5, SEE in socionics."

This guy gives 3s a bad name. And 3s already have a bad name. It's one thing to be a 3. But its another thing to be a 3 and also be this fcking stupid. Bro brought 2 whole mansions and merged them together to make one giant mega house, just to leave half of it empty and absolutely destroy any resale value. He's like a guide on what NOT to do with money.

