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Monopoly tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Monopoly? Monopoly è un tipo di personalità ENTJ in mbti, 3w4 - sp/so - 387 in enneagram, SCOEI in big 5, LIE in socionics."

One of the most Te-Dom games in existence. Okay, to break down the voting systems for this game: Your point is to monetarily overpower your opponents and gain as much property as possible. You have to make choices carefully and not allow yourself to get in trouble, which means a lot of linear arrangement and sometimes slithering your way forward with luck (Ni-Se), rather than using backup plans that revert you to the normal state (Si-Ne). The game focuses on factual calculating and execution of ideas rather than emotional manipulation first, so Te over Fe. And Te Dom with Auxiliary Ni equals ENTJ. Enneagram 3 is also obvious. While the game itself might seem very 8-like, it's not all about looking for control and asserting yourself. It needs you to be quite adaptable and to adjust to various situations, which in turn shapes your social image. However, it would be 3w4 rather than 3w2, because on the long term, it focuses on personal success and can inflate your ego for a while. Sp/so variant can be seen in the need to preserve what you have and deal with property, while tinkering with social dynamics and casually interacting with your rivals when needed, rather than developing personal connections. And lastly, Choleric. The main motivation of Cholerics is getting results. And while Monopoly might come off as a bit Sanguine too, the point of Monopoly isn't to win as a team, or to prioritize straightforward socializing.

