1. Persone e Personaggi
  2. Film
  3. To All the Boys (trilogy)

John Ambrose McClaren tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è John Ambrose McClaren? John Ambrose McClaren è un tipo di personalità INFJ in mbti, 6w7 - sx/sp - 694 in enneagram, RLOAI in big 5, IEI in socionics."

INFJ POSTERBOY. Ni: ''Future generations will be busy with deforestation, urban overcrowding...Besides won't we all be underwater by then?'' I think this is a funny example of his Ni. He's insightful, intelligent and intuitive. ''When will I get to the age where partying isn't considered cool?'' John Ambrose is focused on the bigger picture, he immediately figured out LJ was thinking of Peter. He also withdraws after the mix up and plays the piano as a way to refresh himself. Fe: Super obvious. Respectful, warm, caring, and exudes a smile on his face all the time. He's self sacrificing, doesn't enforce conflict and is accomodating. He is so damn lovable. I think he's a 6w7 for sure. He has that cheerful and warm personality that 6w7's typically have. I notice he uses self depricating humor quite often and I just see a lot of 7 in his enthusiasm, making him appear more extroverted.


The third of Lara Jean's love letter recipients. He used to live in Lara Jean's neighborhood and was friends with her, Peter, Gen, Chris, Trevor, and Aline, but moved away during middle school.

Film caratteri simili a John Ambrose McClaren
