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Ororon tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Ororon? Ororon è un tipo di personalità INFP in mbti, 4w5 - SP4 - 459 in enneagram, RLOAI in big 5, EII in socionics."

Why Fi-dom (and not Ni-dom) On the outside he is calm, reserved, silent, and in everyday life one might even think that he has no thoughts. In society, Ororon behaves naively and sometimes even stupidly, like a child. But this is not what he is, or rather, he is far from only this (describing dom functions, Jung noted that it's precisely Fi-doms that often hide behind childish masks, trying to conceal and hide themselves, since they don't like to be frank about what they really feel and experience. They carefully hide their emotions and inner world from others. They need time to open up, and they open up only to those to whom they are sure that they can trust themselves). Regardless of the impression that Ororon might leave, the depth of his real feelings and experiences could only be guessed at: as it turned out later in the quest, Ororon carried in his soul both regret and a sense of guilt, duty, personal responsibility, and he behaved with precisely this feeling. Not by foresight (if we were talking about Ni-dom) - but by an inner feeling, which will also be difficult to understand from the outside. Both Ni and Fi are oriented towards inner images, but the difference is that where Ni thinks, relying on logic and ideals - Fi feels, relying on values, morality, separating good from bad, right from wrong on an intuitive level. Why do you guys keep talking about Ni-Fe? Ororon doesn't want to influence others and their decisions. He lives in his head, in his world, absolutely all the time. When he was sitting at night by the fire with the Fatui, and they were chatting around him about everything, talking, laughing, drinking, and occasionally singing familiar songs, "Ororon just sat there, looking at the fire in front of him, then at the sky high above his head. It seemed so far away, individual stars were like tiny white grains, and all together - like fog. "Star fog," he suddenly thought to himself. Not a bad name..." As a result, being in a group, he isn't really a part of it - since he's more in his own thoughts (belongs to his own thoughts). Just as silent and "separated" was Capitano (who is also a fi-user: he's fi-tert) sitting next to him. Let's turn to the character's introduction video, where we are told the following about Ororon: 1) "We all know it's better to stay true to who we are, but most prefer to follow the crowd. As a result, many people conceal their true selves or force themselves to conform. Yet, Ororon is unapologetically himself, oblivious to his own eccentricities. What's more, his elders and friends accept him just as he is". Fi highly values ​​sincerity and authenticity, and in contrast to this, rejects everything false, insincere, superficial. Ororon wants and chooses to be himself, regardless of the fact that, without paying attention to it, he realizes that he is strange, since his oddities are a part of him, this is what he is ("Sorry. That's kind of who I am. But, you don't seem to mind. So, I'll just keep being myself, okay?"). Here we are talking not only about the Fi base, but also about the 4th enneagram. Ororon is a bright and pronounced e4, a little later I plan to write about this too. INFPs, by definition, are primarily concerned with staying true to themselves. They strive to minimize the influence of social expectations, other people's opinions on them. The same is said about Ororon in the description above: he is who he is. (Given this information, it is wildly strange to assume Fe-aux). continued in replies >>>


Ororon is a playable Electro character in Genshin Impact. A young man from the Masters of the Night-Wind, he always seems to be calm and at ease, no matter what the situation. Catching him is no easy feat.

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