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  2. Anime e manga
  3. Cardfight Vanguard

Naoki Ishida tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Naoki Ishida? Naoki Ishida è un tipo di personalità ESFP in mbti, 7w8 - sp/sx - 792 in enneagram, in big 5, ESI in socionics."

Naoki feels more ESFP than ESTP. He doesn't seem to have that Terc Fe of an ESTP since he doesn't care about his own image or what other think of him.


A first-year student at Miyaji Academy who is regarded as a delinquent by other students for his appearance and demeanor. When he was a child he saw Aichi being bullied by other kids, but didn't act. Meeting with him again when the latter returns to Miyaji Academy causes his attitude to start changing and leads him to be the second person to join the Cardfight Club. He is shown to have picked a Narukami deck which contains the "secret weapon" Shin gave him: Great Composure Dragon. His strategy is to remove units from his opponent's front row by binding them or moving them to the back row in order so that his units can power-up. He later upgrades it by including Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion as his new ace card. Later on, he rebuilds his deck to include the Detonix units and focus on removing as many of his opponent's rearguards as possible to lower the cost of Detonix Drill Dragon's restand ability. During the Koshien, he switches to a deck featuring the Eradicator units with his new ace being Eradicator, Gauntlet Buster Dragon which he uses to pressure his opponent with a strong vanguard attack with multiple criticals.

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