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  3. Black Bullet

Rentarou Satomi tipo di personalità MBTI

Rentarou Satomi tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Rentarou Satomi? Rentarou Satomi è un tipo di personalità ISTP in mbti, 8w9 - sp/so - 826 in enneagram, RCUAI in big 5, SLI in socionics."

4 and 5 don't make sense, never really see him with the melancholy of the 4. His melancholic reactions to traumatic events is natural of human nature with such severe stress. Besides that, he doesn't really seek suffering in that light, nor does he separate his head and his feelings, keeping a more cerebral outlook. 8 makes more sense, as Rentarou shows a tough front, keeping people at a distance, while struggling with anger and some impulsiveness, especially in his fights. 8w9 makes sense, and everyone seems to agree on ISTP so I won't explain it.


The main 16-year-old protagonist of Black Bullet and Enju's promoter of Tendo Civil Security.

Anime e manga caratteri simili a Rentarou Satomi
