Hooty tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Hooty? Hooty è un tipo di personalità ESFJ in mbti, 2w3 - sx/so - 278 in enneagram, SLUAI in big 5, ESE in socionics."

MBTI: I think he is more an ESFJ than an ESFP, I get the votes but his fe is just to strong also ( Ne tert makes kinda sense with his randomness) ENNEGREAM : he is such an obvious 2 omg , the last episode (knock knock knockin on hooty) where ennegream 2 at its finest, the whole way how he gets completely out of himself to help his love ones , and just whant to be needed ,he gets so frustrated when he thinks that he makes it worst TEMPERAMANTS : def sanguine [dominant] he is talkative ,enthusiastic , sociable and very responsive


Hooty is the titular character of The Owl House. Being a house demon attached to the door of the Owl House, he serves as its protector and as the house itself.
