Luke Brandon tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Luke Brandon? Luke Brandon è un tipo di personalità ISTP in mbti, 6w5 - so/sp - in enneagram, RCOAN in big 5, LSI in socionics."

I'm not sure about his enneagram but he is an ISTP for sure. While watching the movie, I easily guessed that his personality is ISTP cuz Ti-Se is too obvious.Trying to rationalize his feelings and actually not being able to rationalize them(because he is a total thinker and as a thinker I can genuinely say that we can't accept that we are in love because our feelings don't match to our logic), and actually expressing his feelings without thinking and then regretting them is a perfect example of Ti-Se. Tertiary Ni was already obvious because he lowkey sensed about her feelings but he was not sure abt it because it's all abt "when you know you know" but sometimes u can't accept ur emotions and ur intuitions. Fe was not that obvious but I'm sure that it's not fi


Portrayed by Hugh Dancy.

Film caratteri simili a Luke Brandon
