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Monkey King tipo di personalità MBTI

Monkey King tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Monkey King? Monkey King è un tipo di personalità ENTP in mbti, 7w8 - - 738 in enneagram, SCUEI in big 5, ILE in socionics."

ILE sp7 blueprint. still confused on his PY, but 1F3V>1V3F probably


For a change, Sun Wukong fulfilled his oath to the gods with honor, and atoned for the sins of past insurrections. The acolyte, much learned in hardships, was returned to his home temple, relic in hand; and Wukong-finding himself for the first time in proper standing with any gods of consequence-was content for a short while to give up his old thirst for adventure and glory. But the Monkey King was born for mischief... and offending the gods never gets old. #MatthewMercer

Videogiochi caratteri simili a Monkey King
