Hae Soo tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Hae Soo? Hae Soo è un tipo di personalità ENFP in mbti, 7w6 - so/sx - 728 in enneagram, in big 5, IEE in socionics."

Hae Soo is like the textbook ENFP. But I think she's often overlooked on how smart and capable she truly was. She's clearly a feeler but i do think her thinking and judging isn't too far behind. She made the correct decisions most of the time and though its unpopular, its thanks to her quick thinking and practicality that So got to become an amazing king and her baby had a safe and happy life. And she paid the cost for it, herself. Her story is sad because the circumstances were never really meant to work in her favour and I have to give it to her for remaining the same person throughout her life as Hae Soo.


Televisione caratteri simili a Hae Soo
