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  2. Cartoni animati
  3. RWBY (2012)

Robyn Hill tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Robyn Hill? Robyn Hill è un tipo di personalità ISFP in mbti, 1w2 - so/sx - 126 in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."

I get why she has Fi but how does Robyn Hill, the character who was willing to and has broken the law on many occasions, have Si. Even xNFPs would have at least some respect for Si conventions and the rules that are place. I think that she is primarily guided by Fi with no Si (especially with her comments about the law not being equal and her shock of Marrow being a military operative). I see Se with her hands on nature and her negative tendancy to be impulsive (see volume 7 episode 12). I think instead of Si, I think she has inferior Te with her trying to gain a seat on the Atlas Council as a means to get what she wants.


A Mantle native who trained at Atlas Academy. Rejecting the option of joining the elite military Huntsmen after she graduated, she returned to Mantle to pursue a career as a politician who fights for Mantle's rights. Robyn fights with a wrist-mounted crossbow with sharp edges. Her Semblance allows her to tell if someone is lying when she makes contact with their hand.

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