Charlotte Emily tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Charlotte Emily? Charlotte Emily è un tipo di personalità INFJ in mbti, 2w1 - so/sp - 269 in enneagram, RLOAI in big 5, EII in socionics."

Honestly have no clue if ISFJ or INFJ. But however I’m just gonna say. Shes the most nicest/ angelic character in the game series. Literally helped more souls of children that were certainly older than her (she’s 3 years old) protective and just so pure. She held those kids in her arms when they died, but NOBODY ever held her in their arms when she died. Her fathers a good person too, a kind family.. both of them did not deserve any of the trauma they had to go through. Poor Charlie should get more love from the fan base :(( No, this isn’t based of that book or whatever, so she might not have the same personality to the book robot thingy of “her”


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