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Victoria “V.E.“ Schwab tipo di personalità MBTI

Victoria “V.E.“ Schwab tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Victoria “V.E.“ Schwab? Victoria “V.E.“ Schwab è un tipo di personalità in mbti, 4w5 - sx/sp - 583 in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."

Well, shit. I change my mind. So, I've been thinking about this for quite a while now, and I don't think INTJ really makes sense, and neither does 5w4. I know I defended my stance rather enthusiastically below, but hear me out. Before I did my earlier typing, I didn't pay attention much to Schwab's Instagram. But then I did, and noticed how open she was, I guess, and how willing to share all her problems with the world. Not that that's a bad thing, but it's just not a very 5w4 nor INTJ. Except that is not my only point. Usually, I like to say to not type authors by their books, but this time, let's also say I'm a hypocrite. But I won't be looking at anything specific. It's very general. None of her books have much focus, I feel. Her stories are good, but oftentimes they feel like half-developed ideas that she really loved, and did not plan for that much far again. When she has series there is also no central plot or main thing going on at the center or an overarching theme that INTJs, like Brandon Sanderson, tend to create. It was fun thinking she was an INTJ, but it doesn't really fit. Also, I know she said she took the test, but it won't be the first time an INTJ was mistyped. More on this is her focus on individuality. She hinted in one of her texts that in college, she always only wore black (and still does not, at thirty-four) and never ever went to parties. So, I'm thinking it's 4w5. Not 4w3 because she doesn't seem much focused on success or public image or anything. But it's definitely a 4 for me, and as for her type, I'm not sure. But it might just be INFP.


Victoria (V. E.) Schwab (born July 7, 1987) is an American fantasy author best known for her 2013 novel Vicious, the Shades of Magic series, and for her children's and young adult fiction published under the name Victoria Schwab.

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