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Hyun Yujin tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Hyun Yujin? Hyun Yujin è un tipo di personalità ESTP in mbti, 3w2 - sx/so - 378 in enneagram, SCUEN in big 5, SEE in socionics."

Can someone explain why ENFJ? I understand that his Fe is well developed but is it strong enough to be his dominant function? Throughout the series I didn’t see him use Fe-Ni. For ESTP voters, I can see why but I don’t see much explanation so I’ll put in mine. When making the “secret alliance” he didn’t agree to it for the sake of just helping her in the beginning. He wanted something out of her which is to get a date with Yuri. The things he’s done before Sian was all to satisfy his desires with women, like smooth talking his way into hooking up and then leaving them once he’s bored (now that I think about it’s stereotypical ESTP). In chapter 14, when the boss saw them together, he only saved himself from the misunderstanding by lying and pointing the blame to Sian. If he was Fe dom, he’d at least try to clear up situation from both parties. He’s pretty much using his tert Fe to satisfy his dom Se. His lack of Fi is also what makes me lean more towards of him being an ESTP as well. His whole character development was pretty much trying to understand his trickster Fi. In chapter 14, him and Sian were arguing about how bad it was that he was never genuine about his feelings. He got angry at Sian because what she said was true. He doesn’t know how to love nor have a woman to actually fall in love with him. He’s also pretty grounded as well, using his Se-Ti when he was trying to see what was wrong with Yuri before jumping into conclusions. He won’t believe any assumptions unless he sees any proof.


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