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  3. Middle Eastern Philosophy

Isaac Israeli ben Solomon tipo di personalità MBTI

Isaac Israeli ben Solomon tipo di personalità MBTI image


"Che tipo di personalità è Isaac Israeli ben Solomon? Isaac Israeli ben Solomon è un tipo di personalità ISFP in mbti, 6w5 - - in enneagram, in big 5, in socionics."


Isaac Israeli ben Solomon (Hebrew: יצחק בן שלמה הישראלי, Yitzhak ben Shlomo ha-Yisraeli; Arabic: أبو يعقوب إسحاق بن سليمان الإسرائيلي, Abu Ya'qub Ishaq ibn Suleiman al-Isra'ili) (c. 832 – c. 932), also known as Isaac Israeli the Elder and Isaac Judaeus, was one of the foremost Jewish physicians and philosophers living in the Arab world of his time. He is regarded as the father of medieval Jewish Neoplatonism. His works, all written in Arabic and subsequently translated into Hebrew, Latin and Spanish, entered the medical curriculum of the early thirteenth-century universities in Medieval Europe and remained popular throughout the Middle Ages.

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