Jung Jae Yi tipo di personalità MBTI


"Che tipo di personalità è Jung Jae Yi? Jung Jae Yi è un tipo di personalità ESFJ in mbti, 2w3 - so/sp - 216 in enneagram, SCOAI in big 5, in socionics."

Fe dom clear as day, he has THE Fe charm and is generous, plus attends to feelings of disharmony. Ti inf, though i think he does have a pretty okay use of it on how he was willing to examine his own flaws when he found out he hurt bok joo i don't see any Ni or Se in him, so I'm going with ESFJ Si aux makes sense, he's very proper. Si may manifest in risk aversion, and the need for familiarity and stability. Ne tert would make him seek hope, inspiration, optimism


Portrayed by #LeeJaeYoon.
